We can propose you simple and effective case packers that allow you to deliver your final product in good conditions. Thanks to its flexibility this robotic case packer allows a very fast and simple format change. Our box loading machine has been initially developed for companies with limited space on their production site, who wish to facilitate the packaging process of their products.
One of our case packer’s assets is the use of innovative technologies that will be able to satisfy the needs of your production. Thus, thanks to our industrial packaging machine your production will be simpler, and your productivity will increase as well.
– Scotch-taping machine –
The scotch-taping machine is developed for an uninterrupted use with the minimum of required maintenance.
This station is compact and designed to sustain a high production rate.
It is an ideal solution for fully automated packaging lines working with series of identical box formats.
This machine is adaptable to different box sizes and the format change is very fast and simple.
Easy and infrequent maintenance contributes to the facility of use of this machine. Changing adhesive tape is simple and doesn’t require any special knowledges.
– Infeed conveyor –
Products are arriving on an infeed conveyor connected to the machine frame. The conveyor is transporting products towards the box loading robot.
At the end of this conveyor line the first product is stopped with an electronic stopper which automatically stops following products.
This system makes this machine truly flexible and suitable for the whole range of different product formats.
When the stopper has created a set of products, the robot takes this set and places it into the box.
– Storage of unfolded boxes –
Unfolded cardboard boxes are stocked in a special rotative storage.
Boxes are taken by a robot equipped with vacuum grippers, lifting box by box from the top of the stack.
Boxes are folded by the same robot. The vacuum gripper is divided in 2 parts allowing the robot to align 4 faces of a box at the same time.
The box presence is checked through a pressure switch.
The storage of unfolded boxes has 2 possible positions which allows you to charge it while the machine works.
– Robotic case –
Rotative box transfer system :
Once the box is formed, it is transferred to the box loading station by a simple rotation move.
Utilization of a circular transfer system considerably reduce the size of box loading machine which allows you to save space at your production site.
The transfer is made with a mechanical indexing system with 3 positions ensuring a fluid and stable box positioning with an excellent repeatability.
Robotic case erector :
Case forming is made by 1 robot. It lifts one box at a time from the top of the stack of unfolded boxes.
Use of a box forming robot gives your production a high flexibility because of a simple and fast format change. Such productivity is hard to reach with plain mechanical solutions.
The box is lifted, then folded with an electric vacuum gripper and inserted into the rotative transfer table finishing the folding process.
This robot is perfectly managing different kinds of tasks. Its capacities make it to one of the most solid robots on the market. Moreover it is adapted to the industry reliability requirements and is very cost efficient.
Its impressive positioning repeatability and trajectory precision allows you to reach a consistent quality of production.
Mechanical case erector :
Case forming is made by a mechanical case erector. It takes one box at a time from a vertical stack of unfolded boxes.
Use of a mechanical case erector gives your production a high efficiency because of a simple format change and a high case erecting speed.
The box is taken, then unfolded with an electric vacuum gripper and inserted into the transfer conveyor bringing the box forward and finishing the box loading and folding process.
– Polyarticular robot –
This fast and compact 6 axis robot offers a unique combination of rapid and reliable acceleration and possibility of covering a significant space.
Some of its major advantages are :
- It is very reliable
- Fast – Short cycle time
- Extremely precise
- Compact
Gripping :
The robot is equipped with a complex gripping system. It lifts several products at the same time.
Products are hold with gripping fingers. Every finger is equipped with an anti-slip surface to ensure their stable holding throughout the moving.
Products tightening is ensured through a screw jack whose pressure is easily ajustable in the Human-Machine Interface.